December 31, 2011

The Best 11 films from '11 (That I got around to)

Honorable Mentions: Contagion, The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo, Rise of the Planet of the Apes, X-Men: First Class, Attack the Block
11 Melancholia
Directed by: Lars Von Trier

    Lars Von Trier's apocalyptic drama was a very cerebral and carefully pieced together film, that despite having moments of uncertainty it still gets the job done. The Film is anchored down by stellar performances by Kirsten Dunst Charlotte Gainsbourg and Kiefer Sutherland that make it very compelling.

10  The Ides of March 
Directed by: George Clooney

This political drama didn't tell us anything new we needed to know about politics necessarily but that wasn't what it was after. The film uses politics as its medium for its tale of morality, that tests its characters (portrayed by a brilliant cast) in more complex and darker ways than it leads on originally and has undoubtedly one of the strongest scripts of the year.

9 War Horse
Directed by: Steven Spielberg

War Horse is a Film that has more intellect to it that what initially meets the eye. A film that deliberately strays away from modern techniques and uses modern flaws (Melodrama, manipulative scenes,occasional corny dialogue,light coming from one direction when the sun is in another etc.) to give it a feel of old cinema and to bring us back to a time where cynicism didn't make its way into viewers minds as easily as it does today. In addition it has a stellar cast of bit parts and is incredibly well crafted from a mind that may be sharper than ever

8 The Muppets
Directed by: James Bobin

The Muppets are a beloved franchise and needed special care if a revival was to be well received by its fan base. And indeed it was cared for, the script has the fingerprints of Muppet Classics such as The Muppet Movie with its humor that attracts both children and adults and its direction is as crisp as it can be. It's wonderfully executed nostalgic attitude carries the movie and its new songs are as wonderful as its incorporation of older Muppets songs such as “The Rainbow Connection” and “The Muppet Show Theme”. By far the best “Reboot” of a franchise in recent memory.

7 The Adventures of Tintin
Directed by: Steven Spielberg

Spielberg's latest fun/adventure film has qualities of the Indiana Jones and Pirates of the Caribbean film series', respectively but its better than any combination of the two could be and has a nice mix of Monty Python essence. The motion capture technology that acts as the films median both allows actors such as Andy Serkis to add a bit of depth to their characters (way more so than non Mo-Cap animation)and with its virtual camera it allows Spielberg to tell his story in ways he's been dreaming for years by painting a portrait of brilliant action sequences that is driven by the mystery at hand throughout circa 1940 England and Morocco among other locations.

6 Moneyball
Directed by: Bennet Miller

Based off of Michael Lewis' nonfiction book of the same name (a difficult source to adapt for the screen)Moneyball has a high power script by Arron Sorkin (The Social Network) and Steve Zaillian (Schindler's List) and an incredible and in some spots meticulous directing aesthetic put together by Bennet Miller. The film has one of Brad Pitt's best performances of his career, good minor role appearances by Phillip Seymour Hoffman and Chris Pratt and a Jonah Hill performance that proves there is a good bit of acting ability in him. The film also marks a study of both: a group of men trying to defy the odds and change a system that has been in affect for decades and succeed and of a man who made a mistake a long time ago and is in some ways still trying to learn from it.

5 The Descendants
Directed by: Alexander Payne

A very complex film thats screenplay is to thank for the nice structure. The film's key balance of humor and sadness help make it rather enjoyable, it hits heavy issues that are a theme throughout but it occasionally has some great humor that takes a load off and gives viewers more focus on whats coming up. The big buzz going on with this movie is however George Clooney's performance which I was skeptical before seeing it but it is in fact great. Clooney sets aside his constant charm that is visible in all his other movies, but here he is a man who doesn't have all the answers and actually has to contemplate for more than 10 seconds before making important decisions. But he isn't the only one with acting chops here the whole ensemble is nice but Shailene Woodley gives a great performance as his teenage daughter and Robert Forster contributes a lot given that he only has two scenes.

4 Young Adult
Directed by: Jason Reitman

The tag line for the straight up black comedy Young Adult reads “Everybody gets older, not everybody grows up” and as risky as it is to do so it doesn't lie from the moment it gets started til the end credits, that theme rings truer and truer. This is by far Reitman's darkest film and at the same time his smartest and perhaps his funniest in its mannerisms. A good supporting cast and nice use of Patton Oswalt's natural personality make a nice addition to Charlize Theron's incredible performance as Mavis Gary the intentionally unlikeable “prom queen bitch” that you hated in high school.

3 50/50
Directed by: Jonathan Levine

Bringing comedic touches to darker issues such as cancer is always risky in film but 50/50 knocks it out of the park with its rhythm of humor and mix of heavy emotion. Will Reiser's simple yet well written script is brought to life by Jonathan Levine's Jason Reitman/Hal Ashby like approach and an amazing cast featuring Joseph Gordon Levitt is phenomenal as the rather conservative Adam who is diagnosed with cancer Bryce Dallas Howard shines as a fem fetal like Girlfriend of his, Anjelica Huston is brief but wonderful as his overbearing mother, and Anna Kendrick breaks out of her Up in the Air character and makes a good addition as Adam's therapist. Lets us not forget Seth Rogen is here basically playing himself but thats what the script calls for and I like what he brings from a comedic standpoint and as Adam's loyal flawed best friend. Overall its very funny, entertaining and heartwarming.

2 Drive
Directed by: Nicolas Winding Refn

The high speed prologue and techno soundtrack set the tone of Nicolas Winding Refn's stylish, car chase thriller. Its an absolute pleasure to watch and it offers a bit of more than one would think being somewhat of a “thinking mans action film”. It also has an excellent ensemble with Bryan Cranston, Oscar Issac, Carey Mulligan and Ron Perlman, lead by great minimalist work by Ryan Gosling in a “man with no name” type role and a turn of type for Albert Brooks who turns away from comedic roles and plays Gosling's vicious foe in a performance that puts him in contention for an Oscar.

1 The Tree of Life
Directed by: Terrence Malick

Yes my number one is Malick's creative, beautiful and, at some points haunting drama about the creation of earth, and the struggle of man between the ways of nature and grace. It also offers career best performances by Brad Pitt and Jessica Chastain as the parents of Jack who in his younger years is portrayed by Hunter McCracken in perhaps the best performance by a child actor of all time. But the main beauty of the piece lies in the amazing exploration of themes in its nontraditional format and structure which is a journey that is enjoyable and causes one to contemplate not only their own life's past, future and meaning but that of life in general. 

February 23, 2011

Oscar Time 2011

Well here it is my first Oscar commentary, its not perfect but I did my best. I think I have decent knowledge of the Oscars this year given that I've seen more films than in any other year and I have overall paid more attention. Under each category I have the nominees listed then my thoughts on them then under that is what I would nominate if I was picking them based on the films I saw this year. Just a few side notes, there are a few categories I excluded due to not seeing any or enough to be able to give insight on them these include Best Documentary Feature,Best Documentary Short Subject,Best Animated Short, Best Live Action Short and Best Foreign Language Film. Also if a * is next to one of my nomination selections for a category that indicates that it should win the category in my opinion.

Best Motion Picture of the Year

127 Hours”
Black Swan”
The Fighter”
The Kids Are All Right”
The King's Speech”
The Social Network”
Toy Story 3”
True Grit”
Winter's Bone”

Well...where to begin? This year was good year for film ... I saw eight of the best picture nominees, the exceptions being “Black Swan” and “The Kids Are All Right” and I find excellence in all of them. Well ill start with “127 Hours” it is my personnel film of the year I simply loved it it was a film that was executed greatly and had more layers than expected...bottom line Danny Boyle (the director) and James Franco are amazing.”The Fighter” is an incredible well directed character driven biopic and it's definitely worthy of a spot here. “Inception” is one of the most creative ambitious sci-fi films of all time and is simply undeniable and almost worthy of the big prize itself. “The King's Speech” is the favorite to win and a very classy and sleek film that does everything a period piece should tech wise and has some incredible actors.”The Social Network” may have initially come across as stupid in concept but its much more its a very well done very sharp film that truly does define a generation. “Toy Story 3” gets the animation nod and is a keeper it keeps the integrity of the series and possibly defines it. “True Grit” is simply a good western well made in every aspect and it can definitely hold its own.”Winter's Bone” is a very depressive gritty piece that can be look upon as uplifting through being well done. So … all of that being said my nods will consist of all that I saw from here and leave 2 open spots they will go to “The Town” for being a well executed crime drama that was beyond all else entertaining and “Animal Kingdom” an even better executed crime drama that's much more innovative.

127 Hours”
Animal Kingdom”
The Fighter”
The King's Speech”
The Social Network”
The Town”
Toy Story 3”
True Grit”
Winter's Bone”

Achievement in Direction

Darren Aronofsky – “Black Swan”
Ethan Coen and Joel Coen - “True Grit”
David Fincher – “The Social Network”
Tom Hooper – “The King's Speech”
David O. Russell – “The Fighter”

Well I saw All of these except “Black Swan”, that being said I was impressed with all of these films and the direction in all of them. I was disappointed that Danny Boyle and Chris Nolan were snubbed for “127 Hours” and “Inception” respectively so I have to sub them in but that leaves me with 6 directors so I have to cut one out. Dave Fincher is all over “The Social Network” I have to keep him. Tom Hooper did an excellent job in his film he is a keeper The Coens are almost always great and this film is no exception they are keepers. So thus I have to cut Russell but he really did do a great job in his film, one of the better biopics of recent years.

Danny Boyle - “127 hours”*
Ethan Coen and Joel Coen - “True Grit”
David Fincher – “The Social Network”
Tom Hooper – “The King's Speech”
Christopher Nolan - “Inception”

Performance by an Actor in a Leading Role

Javier Bardem in “Biutiful”
Jeff Bridges in “True Grit”
Jesse Eisenberg in “The Social Network”
Colin Firth in “The King's Speech”
James Franco in “127 Hours”

Well, I was able to see four of the nominees from this category, all but Javier Bardem's performance in “Biutiful” regrettably. I've heard that it's a wonderful film and that he (Bardem) is definitely nod worthy. Jesse Eisenberg did nothing that I was not used to seeing him do in some of his previous work. Don't get me wrong he was the perfect choice to play Facebook founder Mark Zuckerberg but thats because he's the ideal nerd/geek, but I'm hoping that this Oscar nomination will lead to people taking him more seriously and giving him chances to break out from typecast roles. That being said Eisinberg can be subbed out For Leonardo DiCaprio who was strong in “Inception”. Jeff Bridges was good as always in the Coen brothers unique version of a John Wayne classic “True Grit”. He made the role of the hard boiled drunken U.S. Marshall his own. Colin Firth is clearly the frontrunner for his remarkable performance as the stuttering king of England during the world war era. I did not expect him to truly be that good but despite not even being the best part of an all star cast the performance is Oscar worthy and I will definitely be satisfied with him winning. Lastly I simply loved James Franco's Performance in “127 Hours” my personnel film of the year. He drives the movie (as he has to given the premise of the film) and brings such energy, intensity and authenticity to the role. Without his fine tuned performance the film would not be the same. Jim Broadbent was charming in “Another Year” so he takes the final  spot.

Jeff Bridges in “True Grit”
Jim Broadbent in “Another Year”
Leonardo DiCaprio in “Inception”
Colin Firth in “The King's Speech”
James Franco in “127 Hours”*

Performance by an Actress in a Leading Role

Annette Bening in “The Kids Are All Right”
Nicole Kidman in “Rabbit Hole”
Jenifer Lawrence in “Winter's Bone”
Natalie Portman in “Black Swan”
Michelle Williams in “Blue Valentine”

Ive heard/read good things about all of these sadly however, I only saw one of them. The lone one I saw was Jenifer Lawrence who was great in “Winter's Bone”. Among other performances I would include here there is Angelina Jolie for a charming performance in “The Tourist”, Ruth Sheen for a wisdom filled performance in “Another Year”,Naomi Watts for a fire performance in “Fair Game” and Hailee Steinfeld for “True Grit”. Yes I know that Steinfeld was nominated in the supporting category but she really has the lead in the film she owns the role and simply owns the movie, o well I'm glad she wasn't snubbed completely.

Angelina Jolie in “The Tourist”
Jenifer Lawrence in “Winter's Bone”
Ruth Sheen in “Another Year”
Hailee Steinfeld in “True Grit”*
Naomi Watts in “Fair Game”

Performance by an Actor in a Supporting Role

Christian Bale in “The Fighter”
John Hawkes in “Winter's Bone”
Jeremy Renner in “The Town”
Mark Ruffalo in “The Kids Are All Right”
Geoffrey Rush in “The King's Speech”

Some great nominees right there! This year I found the field really strong and the academy mad some nice selections. Christian Bale is amazing in “The Fighter” as the loose cannon crackhead Dicky Eklund, he nails every aspect from appearance, to accent, to emotions, consistency and mannerisms, he will most likely take home the prize (very deservingly) and he instantly grabs one of my nomination spots. John Hawkes was great and helped give “Winter's Bone” the essence that it has. Renner I found great in a role that is kind of cliché in gangster films making it as much his own as he could. Mark Ruffalo is considered overdue for a nod so congrats to him but I didn't see his film so he gets cut from my nominations and replaced with the snubbed Andrew Garfield for a prolific performance in “The Social Network”. I was pretty solid in Garfield to be in my nominations for a while there were definitely some other notable performances I considered such as Justin Timberlake and Armie Hammer in “The Social Network” Tom Hardy and Joseph Gordon-Levitt in “Inception” and Sullivan Stapleton in “Animal Kingdom” to name a few. Lastly but certainly not least Geoffrey Rush is phenomenal in the best picture favorite, he is simply wondrous to watch as the witty speech therapist to the King and Rush easily out stages the rest of the cast (and that says a lot considering the cast consist of Helene Bonham Carter and Colin Firth) and I had quite a tough time deciding whether Bale or he should win.

Christian Bale in “The Fighter”*
Andrew Garfield in “The Social Network”
John Hawkes in “Winter's Bone”
Jeremy Renner in “The Town”
Geoffrey Rush in “The King's Speech”

Performance by an Actress in a Supporting Role

Amy Adams in “The Fighter”

Helena Bonham Carter in “The King's Speech”
Melissa Leo in “The Fighter”
Hailee Steinfeld in “True Grit”
Jacki Weaver in “Animal Kingdom”

well I have seen all of these performances and none of them are bad in fact all of them are quite good. Of the nominees I like Hailee Steinfeld best but she was really the lead role in her film so I gave her a nod in that category instead and replaced her in this one with Lesley Manville for crazy (literally) good performance in “Another Year”. Bonham Carter was wonderfully Charming in the best picture favorite as expected and I'm glad she got nominated. Both women of “The Fighter” had good performances Leo's is a bit stronger Amy Adams is very good but I'll substitute Rebecca Hall for an intense performance in “The Town”. Jacki Weaver blew me away in “Animal Kingdom” her role didn't appear that prominent til perhaps that last half hour of the film but within that last half hour she really stills the show. I am kinda sad though that with the way things turned out she cant really win.

Helena Bonham Carter in “The King's Speech”
Rebecca Hall in “The Town”
Melissa Leo in “The Fighter”
Lesley Manville in “Another Year”
Jacki Weaver in “Animal Kingdom”*

Best Writing (Original Screenplay)

Another Year”
The Fighter”
The Kids Are All Right”
The King's Speech”

Some more good selections by the academy, I've seen all but “The Kids Are All Right” and they all have merit in their own ways. “Another Year” is incredible well written and clever dialogues wise and story wise “The Fighter” does a good job of carrying its story across and has some good south Boston type dialogue, Inception has an amazing story and just such technical details props to Christ Nolan for having a great imagination. “The Kings Speech” is another well written piece with very refined and fitting dialogues with a great story. My last personnel nod goes to “Animal Kingdom” for a really underrated well written gritty screenplay.

Animal Kingdom”
Another Year”
The Fighter”
The King's Speech”

Best Writing (Adapted Screenplay)

127 Hours”
The Social Network”
Toy Story 3”
True Grit”
Winter's Bone”

All of these are truly great screenplays, I'm glad they all made it to the big show. The most impressive is frontrunner Arron Sorkin's very sharp screenplay for “The Social Network” but they all have their strengths, “True Grit” is done by the Coen brothers so naturally it's very well written and unique and could get an upset win. “Toy Story 3” did a good job of keeping the integrity of the series,”127 Hours” has a great story to tell and the screenplay carries it over well and “Winter's Bone” just another well written piece that's very worthy of this nod. So given how much I like all of these my nominations will match them, but if I had an honorable mention it would go to “How to Train Your Dragon”.

127 Hours”
The Social Network”*
Toy Story 3”
True Grit”
Winter's Bone”

Best Animated Feature

How to Train Your Dragon”
The Illusionist”
Toy Story 3”

Overall a good year for animation “How to Train Your Dragon” was a fantastic piece of fantasy animation work, “Toy Story 3” was great and kept the integrity of the beloved series strong if not strengthened it. “The Illusionist” I was not able to see though I've heard its wonderful so I will substitute “Despicable Me” in for it is very good genuine animated piece.

Despicable Me”
How to Train Your Dragon”
Toy Story 3”*

Best Music (Original Score)

127 Hours”
How to Train Your Dragon”
The King's Speech”
The Social Network”

These are all some very good scores and unique in their own way. “Inception” and “How to Train Your Dragon” have some very beautiful epic scores which I enjoyed. “The King's Speech” has a score that is very refined (as is the film) and “127 Hours” and “The Social Network” both have very unique yet contemporary scores that go right along with their respective films.

127 Hours”
How to Train Your Dragon”
The King's Speech”
The Social Network”

Best Music (Original Song)

Coming Home” from “Country Strong”
I See the Light” from “Tangled”
If I Rise” from “127 Hours”
We Belong Together” from “Toy Story 3”

Well I really liked “If I Rise” and “We Belong Together” and I liked the other two as well but I didn't see the films from which they haled so ill substitute for them with “Sticks and Stones” which I loved in “How to Train your Dragon” and “Prettiest Girls” from “Despicable Me”.

If I Rise” from “127 Hours”*
Prettiest Girls” from “Despicable Me”.
Stick and Stones” from “How to Train Your Dragon”
We Belong Together” from “Toy Story 3”

Best Sound Editing

Toy Story 3”
Tron: Legacy”
True Grit”

Well I failed to see “Unstoppable” or “Tron: Legacy” but the rest of these are good and ill sub in “The Town” and “127 Hours”

127 Hours”
The Town”
Toy Story 3”
True Grit”

Best Sound Mixing

The King's Speech”
The Social Network”
True Grit”

All of these that I saw (all but “Salt”) are well done but I'll sub in “127 Hours for “Salt” and I'll snub “The King's Speech” in favor of “The Town”

127 Hours”
The Social Network”
The Town”
True Grit”

Achievement in Art Direction

Alice in Wonderland”
Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows: Part One”
The King's Speech”
True Grit”

Another category with some good picks by the academy, all of these are pretty solid and fit well with their respective films, however “Harry Potter” I didn't see so ill give “Animal Kingdom” a nod.

Alice in Wonderland”
Animal Kingdom”
The King's Speech”*
True Grit”

Achievement in Cinematography

Black Swan”
The King's Speech”
The Social Network”
True Grit”

A fine frenzy of films in this category, “True Grit” has some absolutely beautiful shots and the work in “Inception” is just incredible they are definitely the top dogs. The cinematography for “The King's Speech” is very well done and elegant, “The Social Network” also has some well crafted shots that help depict the essence of Harvard among other things. Seeing as how I didn't see “Black Swan” I would replace it with “127 Hours” for some fine work there, but it had some close competition from things such as “Winter's Bone”, “Another Year” and “The Fighter” which were all well done in their own right.

127 Hours”
The King's Speech”
The Social Network”
True Grit”

Achievement in Makeup

Barney's Version”
The Way Back”
The Wolfman”

This category is somewhat interesting this year given that for all 3 films this is their sole nomination and all 3 display very different styles of makeup. I wasn't able to see any of these but supposedly “Barney's Version” does a good job of aging the characters while “The Wolfman” is very extravagant with its transforming a man into a beast and “The Way Back” does a good job of displaying things such as sunburn and bruising, pretty apples to oranges I'd say. Since I did not see any of these my nominees would go to “Shutter Island” for its erie characters and such,”Alice in Wonderland” for its extravagant fantasy characters and to “127 Hours” for its cunning and realistic portrayal of an amputation that without the film is not quite the same.

127 Hours”*
Alice in Wonderland”
Shutter Island”

Achievement in Costume Design

Alice in Wonderland”
I am Love”
The King's Speech”
The Tempest”
True Grit”

Well I didn't see “I am Love” or “The Tempest” but “The King's Speech” had some lush costumes, “Alice in Wonderland” was defined by costumes more than almost anything, and the ones “True Grit” had were very fitting. My Nominations will have the three here I saw in addition to “The Fighter” and “The Social Network” for some nice work that fit well with their films respectively.

Alice in Wonderland”
The Fighter”
The King's Speech”*
The Social Network”
True Grit”

Achievement in Film Editing

127 Hours”
Black Swan”
The Fighter”
The King's Speech”
The Social Network”

Some really good picks by the academy here of these I'm most impressed with “The Fighter” and “127 Hours” but nonetheless they are all well done. I am however a bit bummed that “Inception” didn't get a nod, so I would substitute that in for “Black Swan” and I'm going to have to snub “The King's Speech” (still well done) in favor of “True Grit”.

127 Hours”*
The Fighter”
The Social Network”
True Grit”

Achievement in Visual Effects

Alice in Wonderland”
Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows: Part One”
Iron Man 2”

This looks close to right... I didn't see “Hereafter” or 'HP' so ill sub in “Shutter Island” and “How to Train Your Dragon”.

Alice in Wonderland”
How to Train Your Dragon”
Iron Man 2”
Shutter Island”